- class mne_pipeline_hd.gui.parameter_widgets.Param(data, name, alias=None, default=None, param_unit=None, groupbox_layout=True, none_select=False, description=None, depending_on=None)#
Base-Class Parameter-GUIs, not to be called directly Inherited Clases should have “Gui” in their name to get identified correctly.
- paramChanged#
This signal is emmited when the parameter changes.
- Type:
- init_ui(layout=None)#
Base layout initialization, which adds the given layout to a group-box with the parameters name if groupbox_layout is enabled. Else the layout will be horizontal with a QLabel for the name.
- __init__(data, name, alias=None, default=None, param_unit=None, groupbox_layout=True, none_select=False, description=None, depending_on=None)#
- Parameters:
data (dict | Controller | QSettings) –
The data-structure, in which the value of the parameter is stored (depends on the scenario how the Parameter-Widget is used,
e.g. displaying parameters from Project or displaying Settings from Main-Window).
name (str) – The name of the key, which stores the value in the data-structure.
alias (str | None) – An optional alias-name for the parameter for display (if you want to use a name, which is more readable, but can’t or shouldn’t be used as a key in Python).
default (object) – The default value depending on GUI-Type.
param_unit (str | None) – Supply an optional suffix with the name of the unit.
groupbox_layout (bool) – If a groupbox should be used as layout (otherwise it is just a label), if None no label
none_select (bool) – Set True if it should be possible to set the value to None by unchecking the GroupBox (on the left of the name).
description (str | None) – Supply an optional description for the parameter, which will displayed as a Tool-Tip when the mouse is hovered over the Widget.
depending_on (str | None) –
- Supply the name of another Paramter here and connect it
to this widget.
(data, name[, alias, default, ...])acceptDrops
(self, event)actions
(self, actions)adjustSize
(self, b)changeEvent
(self, event)check_groupbox_state
(self, event)children
(self, event)colorCount
(self, signal)contentsMargins
(self, event)contextMenuPolicy
(self[, arg__1, initializeWindow, ...])createWinId
(window[, parent, flags])cursor
(self, event)deleteLater
(self[, destroyWindow, destroySubWindows])devType
(self, signal)dragEnterEvent
(self, event)dragLeaveEvent
(self, event)dragMoveEvent
(self, event)dropEvent
(self, event)dumpObjectInfo
(self, arg__1, *args)encodeMetricF
(metric, value)ensurePolished
(self, event)event
(self, event)eventFilter
(self, watched, event)find
(self, type[, name, options])findChildren
() -> Iterable[~PlaceHolderType] ))focusInEvent
(self, event)focusNextChild
(self, next)focusOutEvent
(self, event)focusPolicy
()This should be implemented for each widget
(self[, rectangle])grabGesture
(self, type[, flags])grabKeyboard
(-> None)grabShortcut
(self, key[, context])graphicsEffect
(self, arg__1)heightMM
(self, event)inherits
(self, classname)initPainter
(self, painter)init_ui
([layout])Base layout initialization, which adds the given layout to a group-box with the parameters name if groupbox_layout is enabled.
(self, event)inputMethodHints
(self, arg__1)insertAction
(self, before, action)insertActions
(self, before, actions)installEventFilter
(self, filterObj)internalWinId
(self, child)isEnabled
(self, arg__1)isFullScreen
(self, signal)isTopLevel
(self, arg__1)isWidgetType
(self, event)keyReleaseEvent
(self, event)keyboardGrabber
(-> None)layout
(self, event)locale
(-> PySide6.QtCore.QPoint)mapFromGlobal
(-> PySide6.QtCore.QPoint)mapFromParent
(-> PySide6.QtCore.QPoint)mapTo
(-> PySide6.QtCore.QPoint)mapToGlobal
(-> PySide6.QtCore.QPoint)mapToParent
(-> PySide6.QtCore.QPoint)mask
(self, arg__1)minimumHeight
(self, event)mouseGrabber
(self, event)mousePressEvent
(self, event)mouseReleaseEvent
(self, event)move
(-> None)moveEvent
(self, event)moveToThread
(self, thread)nativeEvent
(self, eventType, message)nativeParentWidget
(self, type)overrideWindowState
(self, state)paintEngine
(self, event)paintingActive
(self, name)raise_
(self, signal)rect
(self, offset)releaseKeyboard
(self, id)removeAction
(self, action)removeEventFilter
(self, obj)render
(, sourceRegion, ...)repaint
(-> None -> None -> None)resize
(-> None)resizeEvent
(self, event)restoreGeometry
(self, geometry)saveGeometry
(-> None)sender
(self, on)setAccessibleDescription
(self, description)setAccessibleName
(self, name)setAttribute
(self, arg__1[, on])setAutoFillBackground
(self, enabled)setBackgroundRole
(self, arg__1)setBaseSize
(-> None)setContentsMargins
(-> None)setContextMenuPolicy
(self, policy)setCursor
(self, arg__1)setDisabled
(self, arg__1)setEnabled
(self, arg__1)setFixedHeight
(self, h)setFixedSize
(-> None)setFixedWidth
(self, w)setFocus
(-> None)setFocusPolicy
(self, policy)setFocusProxy
(self, arg__1)setFont
(self, arg__1)setForegroundRole
(self, arg__1)setGeometry
(-> None)setGraphicsEffect
(self, effect)setHidden
(self, hidden)setInputMethodHints
(self, hints)setLayout
(self, arg__1)setLayoutDirection
(self, direction)setLocale
(self, locale)setMask
(-> None)setMaximumHeight
(self, maxh)setMaximumSize
(-> None)setMaximumWidth
(self, maxw)setMinimumHeight
(self, minh)setMinimumSize
(-> None)setMinimumWidth
(self, minw)setMouseTracking
(self, enable)setObjectName
(self, name)setPalette
(self, arg__1)setParent
(-> None)setProperty
(self, name, value)setScreen
(self, arg__1)setShortcutAutoRepeat
(self, id[, enable])setShortcutEnabled
(self, id[, enable])setSizeIncrement
(-> None)setSizePolicy
(-> None)setStatusTip
(self, arg__1)setStyle
(self, arg__1)setStyleSheet
(self, styleSheet)setTabOrder
(arg__1, arg__2)setTabletTracking
(self, enable)setToolTip
(self, arg__1)setToolTipDuration
(self, msec)setUpdatesEnabled
(self, enable)setVisible
(self, visible)setWhatsThis
(self, arg__1)setWindowFilePath
(self, filePath)setWindowFlag
(self, arg__1[, on])setWindowFlags
(self, type)setWindowIcon
(self, icon)setWindowIconText
(self, arg__1)setWindowModality
(self, windowModality)setWindowModified
(self, arg__1)setWindowOpacity
(self, level)setWindowRole
(self, arg__1)setWindowState
(self, state)setWindowTitle
(self, arg__1)set_param
(value)Set parameter externally to gui and parameters.
(value)This should be implemented for each widget
(self, event)showFullScreen
(self, arg__1)startTimer
(self, interval[, timerType])statusTip
(self, event)testAttribute
(self, arg__1)thread
(self, event)toolTip
(self, sourceText[, disambiguation, n])underMouse
(self, type)unsetCursor
(-> None -> None -> None)updateGeometry
(self[, query])updatesEnabled
(self, event)width